Magnetic Equipments- Digital Flux Meter


Digital Flux Meter MODEL STFM - 110

Model STFM-110 electronic fluxmeter measures magnetic flux cut a search coil and is widely used for general magnetic measurements such as magnetising force of permanent magnets. Flux of magnetic circuits in various type of electrical equipments, stay flux detection end voltage integration.


Measuring Range


10, 104 and 106 Kilomaxwell turns with 100% over range protection.

Indication : 31/2 digit panel meter
Resolution : 1 KIlomaxwell Turns range.
Accuracy : ±0.5% of full Scale.
Input Resistance : 10 Kilo Ohms
Drift : Less than 0.5% of full scale per minute on 10' Kilomaxwell turns range.
: 31/2 Digit LED panel meter.
Ouput Voltage : 1 Kilomaxwell turns range.
: 240V, 50Hz, 50VA.
Output Resistance : 1 Kilo Ohms
Dimensions : 210 x 95 x 225mm, Wight 1Kg
Optional : Recorder output of 1V across 1 KiloOhms.


Measuring D.C. Magnetic fields, Ferro Magnetic Detectors, Field Surveyors, Production Test Systems, Voltage Integration, Hysteresis Loop Tracers, Magnetic Shielding Eftectiverross Tester.

Digital Flux Meter MODEL STFM - 201

Model STFM 201 fluxmeter is an advanced version of Model STFM 110. It is a high speed precision instrument which integrates any voltages signal when applied to its input terminals. It is useful as a fluxmeter, gaussmeter and voltage integrator and used in application such as perimeters hyseresis loop tracers, magnetic field surveyors, production test equipment and many other applications.

Range : 500 Maxwell to 1.99 x 108 Maxwell full scale.
Accuracy : ±0.5%.
Output : 1Volt DC across 1 Killo Ohms.
: 3 1/2 Digit LED panel meter.
Drift : ±1% per minute, maximum.
: 240V, 50Hz, 50VA.


Measuring D.C. Magnetic fields. Ferro detections, Field surveyors, Production at System Hysteresis loop tracer.


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